Type inference
Defining variables types
Type inference
Defining variables types
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In all our articles we always defined each variable type. This was intended to not cofuse the reader since this is not always necessary.

As we said in the first variable article, Xcode needs to know the type of each variable we are creating, but the truth is that Xcode can infere the type most of the times.

Let's see some exemples where Xcode will infere our variable types:

let name = "Pablo" // String
let age = 2 // Int
let money = 23.89 // Double
let namesArray = [

In these cases the type is clear because it's actually indirectly specified at the right side of the =. However, there are some cases this cannot be infered, we can see this clearly if we declare two enum with similar cases.

enum ShippingStatus {
    case preparing
    case sent

enum OrderStatus {
    case preparing
    case ready

let status = .preparing // ⚠️ ERROR

In this case, there is no hint of what enum we want to use, so we need to specifiy the type. There are multiple possibilities:

let statusA = OrderStatus.preparing // ✅
let statusB: OrderStatus = .preparing // ✅


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