Error handling
Throwing and catching errors.
Error handling
Throwing and catching errors.
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When a function or initializer is executed, there's a possibility of "throwing" an exception or error. It's important not to confuse this with the return value of a function.

To "enable" any of our functions or initializers to throw an error it must be marked with the throws keyword. Then we can throw an error using the throw keyword.

Let's imagine we have a function called showMessage that takes a String parameter, displays that parameter in the console, and returns the String "OK". However, if the message is empty, it will throw a generic system error.

func showMessage(message: String) throws -> String {

    if message.isEmpty {
        throw NSError()

    return "OK"

The keyword throw has the same effect as return, the function or init will finish at that point.

Calling our function

Setting our function as throws, changes the way to call it. Now we need to add try before the function's name.

try showMessage(message: "My message")

But since thowing an error will cause a crash, we need to "catch" that error:

do {
    let result = try showMessage(message: "My message")
catch let error {

// The console shows: OK

The code block defined as do will be executed if there is no error, otherwise the code will stop at that point and the block defined as catch will execute having that error as a variable.

Optional try

You can use try? instead of do/catch. This will return the result as optional, and a nil value in case there is an error.

let result = try? showMessage(message: "My message")

// The console shows: Optional("OK")

You can use if let as well, just like any other Optional.

if let result = try? showMessage(message: "My message") { 
    // Your code here

Throws in initializers

Initializers can be also be marked as throws. It works in the same way.

class Person {
    let name: String

    init(name: String) throws {
        if name.isEmpty {
            throw NSError()
        } = name

// Option with Do-Catch
do {
    let client = try Person(name: "Pedro")
catch let error {

// Option with Optional
let client = try? Person(name: "Pedro")

Creating our own error types

We can create our own error types using enums and the Error protocol. This could provide a better description of what's the issue.

enum MyCustomError: Error {
    case emptyMessage
    case tooLongMessage

func showMessage(message: String) throws -> String {

    if message.isEmpty {
        throw MyCustomError.emptyMessage
    else if message.count > 100 {
        throw MyCustomError.tooLongMessage

    return "OK"

do {
    let result = try showMessage(message: "My message")
catch let error as MyCustomError {


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