Conditional operators
Operations with boolean variables.
Conditional operators
Operations with boolean variables.
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In programming, conditions are the most important part. When a program runs, it is constantly checking to execute one action or another, depending on the state of the variables we have implemented. For example, when a user enters their password, the program will verify that it is correct by comparing the entered password with the one stored in the system.

Result of a Comparison

It is very important to understand that the result of a comparison will always be of type Bool, meaning it will either be true or false; there is no middle ground.

Equal To

Letโ€™s look at an example where two variables of type String are compared using the == operator.

var enteredPassword: String = "AAAA" // String type
var databasePassword: String = "AAAA" // String type

var isPasswordCorrect: Bool = enteredPassword == databasePassword // "True"

With this operator, we will get a result of type Bool, regardless of the type of the variables we are comparing.

We can compare any type of variable, but itโ€™s important to always compare variables of the same type. For instance, we cannot compare a String with an Int.

Not Equal To

Using the != operator, we can check if two variables are different. If they are, the result will be true.

var enteredAge: Int = 23 // Int type
var userAge: Int = 24 // Int type

var isAgeIncorrect: Bool = enteredAge != userAge // "True"

Other Operators

In addition to checking if a value is equal or not equal, we can also check if it is less than, greater than, greater than or equal to, and so on.

var enteredAge: Int = 23 // Int type
enteredAge > 10 // "True"
enteredAge < 20 // "False"
enteredAge <= 23 // "True"
enteredAge >= 30 // "False"

Comparing Bool Variables

To compare variables of type Bool, we can also use == or !=, but not operators like < or >, because a variable of type Bool cannot be less than or greater than another, only equal to another.


The ! command in front of our Bool variables or parentheses inverts their value:

var enteredAge: Int = 23 // Int type
var isAdult: Bool = enteredAge >= 18 // True

var isMinor: Bool = !isAdult // False

!(enteredAge > 10) // "False"

AND Operator (&&)

This operator checks that both sides of it are true. This is exclusive to variables of type Bool.

var isUserCorrect: Bool = true
var isPasswordCorrect: Bool = true
var isAgeCorrect: Bool = false

var areCredentialsCorrect: Bool = isUserCorrect && isPasswordCorrect // "True", since both "isUserCorrect" AND "isPasswordCorrect" are "True"

areCredentialsCorrect && isAgeCorrect // "False", since one of them is "False"

// Combinations
true && true // true
true && false // false
false && true // false
false && false // false

OR Operator (||)

This operator checks that at least one side of it is true. This is exclusive to variables of type Bool.

var isAdult: Bool = false
var hasParentalPermission: Bool = true

var canAccess: Bool = isAdult || hasParentalPermission // "True", since one of them is "True"

// Combinations
true || true // true
true || false // true
false || true // true
false || false // false

Combinations Are Infinite

Itโ€™s important to know that you can compare more than two variables in the same line.

// Other combinations
true && true && false // false
true || false || false || false // true

// Use parentheses to resolve comparisons, just like in any mathematical operation.
false || (true && true) // true


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