Pull Request
Creating Pull Requests on BitBucket
Pull Request
Creating Pull Requests on BitBucket
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As we saw in the article Branches, we can "merge" our branches locally using SourceTree. However, when working in a team, these merges are not usually done directly. Instead, pull requests (also called "merge requests") are created, where other developers can review the changes, approve them, and merge them when everyone agrees.

This can be done from the platform we are using (BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab...). Let's see how to create a pull request on BitBucket. Before doing this, we have pushed the branch my_branch so that it is available remotely along with master.

We open the Pull Requests section of our remote repository and click on Create pull request.

The information we need to fill out is:

  • The branch we want to merge: my_branch.
  • The target branch: master.
  • Name of our Pull Request.
  • Optional description explaining the changes.
  • We can also add team members as Reviewers to approve our PR.

Once filled out, click Create Pull Request.

Once our PR is created, reviewers can see the changes that will be applied. Finally, when ready to merge this Pull Request, simply click the Merge button.

This will require us to go to SourceTree and do a Pull to get this new merge on our computer.


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